Tuesday 29 January 2013

Another week has passed

Well I haven't been too busy this past week. I actually had 8 days off from work as well! Back in tomorrow, wish I had another 8 days off!
So I managed to buy a permit from baa last Tuesday and also purchased a fishing licence from the post office. Enthusiasm flowing, I headed out to the canal to embark on my coarse fishing pursuits. When I arrived I found that the canal had actually frozen and was under about an inch of ice. Managed to find a break in the ice under a bridge (m5 bridge to be exact), so set up just outside of the bridge's shadow. Made up some groundbait using sweetcorn, breadcrumb and birdseed (had read somewhere that it worked) and fishing a single piece of corn on a size 20 hook under a float. Fished at various depths, but didn't get a bite. A dead roach floated by, so did wonder whether oxygen levels were sufficient enough to hold fish, but there were silver fish jumping occasionally. So I blanked! Next day off is a week tomorrow so will have another fishing post Wednesday night, hopefully will have some fish to write home about!

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